Celebrating Thanksgiving 2023 With the KDCI Team

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Celebrating Thanksgiving 2023 With the KDCI Team
KDCI Outsourcing
November 30, 2023

It’s that time of the year again, and our team at KDCI didn’t pass up on the opportunity to embrace the spirit of gratitude and celebrate Thanksgiving 2023 last November 23. This simple yet sumptuous feast was very much appreciated by everyone, fully bringing the holiday’s purpose to life.

The Rich History Behind Thanksgiving

As we celebrated Thanksgiving 2023 at KDCI, it was also a time to reflect on the deep history that underpins this festive occasion. Thanksgiving, traditionally an American holiday, has its roots in the early 17th century. It began as a harvest festival, commemorating the first successful harvest by the English Pilgrims in the New World. The Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag Native Americans shared an autumn harvest feast in 1621, often regarded as the first Thanksgiving celebration in the colonies.

Over the centuries, Thanksgiving evolved, becoming a day for people to express gratitude for the year's blessings, including family, friends, and the harvest. It's a day that symbolizes unity, reflection, and appreciation, transcending beyond mere historical events to embody a spirit of togetherness.

In the United States, Thanksgiving has been celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November since 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens."

This tradition, while rooted in American culture, has spread across the world, with various countries and cultures adding their own unique flavors and meanings. At KDCI, adopting this tradition went beyond just enjoying a feast; it was our way of acknowledging our connections across the globe and celebrating the universal values of gratitude and togetherness.

KDCI Bringing the Filipino Twist to Thanksgiving Year After Year

Thanksgiving isn’t normally celebrated in the Philippines. However, at KDCI, we made it a yearly tradition to bring a Filipino twist to this American holiday. 

We wanted to express our gratitude and appreciation for the good things that happened throughout the year, especially acknowledging our fruitful collaborations with U.S. companies. Working closely with these partners has not only been pivotal for our business growth but has also enriched our understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and business practices.

For this year, 2023, our office was filled with joyous vibes as our management prepared a simple feast for everyone in the office.

Take a look at just some of the food we had for our Thanksgiving lunch, the Filipino classics — pancit, liempo, and kakanin

Meanwhile, we had embutido, fried chicken, baked mac, and other tasty dishes for dinner. Peek at the chocolate Thanksgiving cake we prepared to end the holiday in a sweet tone.

Our feast was a vibrant mix of traditional Filipino culinary masterpieces. The array of dishes was a food lover’s paradise, reflecting the diversity and creativity at the heart of KDCI.

As we shared this meal, there was an exchange of stories and experiences. Some shared funny stories that happened this year, while some looked back on the changes in the company and how much the team has grown since January. This exchange was spontaneous, enriching our understanding of each other’s backgrounds.

No Agenda, Just Pure Thanksgiving Joy

This year, we ditched the formalities and focused purely on fun, food, and fellowship. Without a structured program, we discovered the joy in simple conversations and shared laughter. This approach made our Thanksgiving gathering more genuine, strengthening the bonds within our team.

Understanding that our team’s dedication knows no time bounds, we organized a unique feast that catered to both our morning and night shift dynamos. This gesture of inclusivity ensured that everyone, no matter their work schedule, was part of our Thanksgiving celebration. It was our way of saying a huge 'thank you' to every member of our KDCI family.

What truly set our Thanksgiving apart was the undeniable sense of unity and thankfulness that filled the air. Every department, including sales and marketing, operations, recruitment, human resources, IT, creatives, and admin, was represented, creating a wonderful mix of personalities and perspectives. 

We celebrated as one big family, leaving our roles at the door to bond as individuals with shared values and goals.

Carrying the KDCI Thanksgiving Spirit

Because of the celebration, we were reminded of the true essence of Thanksgiving: a continuous celebration of gratitude and community. This year’s simple yet heartfelt feast at KDCI was a testament to our culture of togetherness and mutual appreciation, a culture we’re excited to nurture as we move forward.

More than anything, this celebration was about expressing gratitude. We took the time to thank each other for the support, camaraderie, and dedication that make KDCI a great place to work. It was a reminder of the importance of appreciating the people and the moments that enrich our professional lives.

We also took a moment to look back at our collective journey over the past year. This reflection was a powerful reminder of our growth, resilience, and the successes we achieved together.

Looking Forward with a Renewed Sense of Purpose

Though not that grand, our Thanksgiving 2023 celebration was such a hit that it left us all feeling recharged and excited for what's ahead. It's amazing how coming together like this has boosted our team spirit and belief in what we can achieve together. 

With this newfound energy and a bunch of smiles, we're all set to take on whatever the next year throws our way, ready for both the challenges and the fun times!

Wrapping Up Thanksgiving 2023: A Simple Feast, A Memorable Impact

As the day came to a close, we felt a sense of fulfillment. Celebrating Thanksgiving 2023 was not just about marking an American holiday; it was about creating a new tradition that could become a part of our annual calendar in the company. It was a day that showcased our ability to adapt and enjoy different cultural experiences, making them our own in a uniquely Filipino way.

Our Thanksgiving celebration at KDCI was a demonstration of our vibrant company culture, where simplicity blends with joy and gratitude. It was a day that reinforced our team spirit and reminded us that sometimes, the most meaningful moments lie in the simplest of gatherings. 

Here's to carrying this spirit of unity and gratitude into the future, and to many more Thanksgiving celebrations at KDCI!

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