The Bayanihan spirit lives on among Filipinos even in the face of adversity. And here at KDCI, we continue to partner with change agents to solve social problems in the community.Even before the coronavirus became a pandemic, KDCI has been actively working with the Philippine Red Cross. Through donation drives, KDCI was able to help those heavily affected after the onslaught of typhoon Habagat in 2012, which left millions of Filipinos homeless.

Moreover, KDCI rendered assistance to the victims of the Taal volcano eruption, which resulted in damages to infrastructure and livelihoods, disruption of essential services, and evacuation of more than 135,000 people.On the front of disaster relief, KDCI always steps in to ensure that the company always provides the proper assistance to the right people at the right time across all stages of disaster recovery, from early preparedness to long-term recovery.Apart from responding to the needs of calamity-stricken areas in the country, KDCI also became a faithful supporter of orphaned and abandoned children.In partnership with Concordia Children’s Services, the company was able to spend time and support abandoned and neglected children. Every child is special, and thus, KDCI believes in the importance of creating a life-long impact on these angels’ lives.KDCI has already been doing a phenomenal job in working towards the common good. When the pandemic hit the Philippines, the company further ramped up its CSR initiatives to help our health workers curb the COVID-19 transmission.During the pandemic, KDCI came to the aid of Pasig Doctors Medical Center and Pasig City Children’s Hospital—two of the many hospitals in Pasig City that serve as COVID-19 facilities. KDCI experienced firsthand the impact of the pandemic on employees and the workplace. Thus, the company would want these hospitals to rise above these challenging times through adequate support and assistance.

While COVID-19 response is our top priority, KDCI also looks forward to working with other sectors in the coming years. As long as our employees are interested in broader social issues, the Bayanihan spirit at KDCI will continue to live on.
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