Why Do Developed Economies Want to Outsource Jobs?

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February 2, 2023
min read
Mark Daniel
Table of Contents
What are the benefits of outsourcing to developing countries?
What are the challenges of outsourcing to developing countries?
Top 5 Most In-demand Developing Countries for Outsourcing
What are some successful examples of companies that have outsourced to developing countries?
What are the best practices for outsourcing to developing countries?
Why Do Developed Economies Want to Outsource Jobs?
KDCI Outsourcing
September 6, 2023

The practice of outsourcing labor has gained popularity among businesses as a result of the rapidly changing global economy. Developed nations frequently outsource jobs to countries with lower labor costs and more relaxed regulations.But what benefits do these developed economies receive from outsourcing to less developed countries? This article will explore the positive and negative aspects of outsourcing for developed economies.

Why might developed economies want to outsource jobs to other countries?

Does outsourcing benefit developing countries? Well, outsourcing to third-world countries is a common practice among developed economies. This practice is driven by various reasons, such as cost savings, access to talent, increased efficiency, focus on core competencies, flexibility, and improved competitiveness. In this section, we will explore these reasons in more detail.

Cost savings

Outsourcing jobs to countries with lower labor costs can significantly lower the operating costs for companies. For instance, if a company outsources its manufacturing operations to a country where labor is cheaper, it can produce the same products at a lower cost, which can help it to remain competitive in the market and increase profits.

Access to talent

Outsourcing can give companies access to a larger pool of talented workers in countries where there is a strong technical or educational infrastructure. For example, outsourcing IT services to countries such as India or the Philippines, which have a large pool of skilled IT professionals, can help companies access high-quality technical expertise at a lower cost.

Increased efficiency

Companies may outsource certain processes to specialized companies in low-cost countries that have more experience and expertise in those areas. This can lead to improved efficiency, as these companies have the resources, processes, and technology to perform the tasks more efficiently. In turn, this can help companies produce higher-quality products or services in less time and at a lower cost.

Focus on core competencies

By outsourcing non-core activities, companies can concentrate their resources and efforts on their core competencies and allocate resources more efficiently. This can help companies to stay competitive by allowing them to focus on what they do best and avoid distractions from non-core activities.


Outsourcing allows companies to adjust their workforce size and skill mix quickly in response to changing market conditions or business needs. This can be especially valuable for companies that operate in fast-paced industries where rapid adaptation to change is essential.

Gain competitive advantage

Outsourcing can help companies to stay competitive in global markets by reducing costs, improving efficiency, and allowing them to focus on their core competencies. By outsourcing non-core activities, companies can remain nimble and responsive to changes in the market, which can be critical in maintaining a competitive edge.

How does outsourcing affect the economy of developed countries?

Outsourcing can have serious effects on the economy of developed countries. One of the major effects of outsourcing is job loss. When companies decide to outsource jobs to countries with lower labor costs, it can result in job losses for workers in the developed country.

For example, if a company that is based in the United States outsources jobs to India or other countries where labor costs are lower, it can result in job losses for workers in the US. Another impact of outsourcing is decreased wages. The competition for jobs between workers in the developed country and those in countries with lower labor costs can result in decreased wages for workers in the developed country. This is because companies can pay lower wages to workers in countries with lower labor costs, which can put downward pressure on wages for workers in the developed country.

Outsourcing can also result in a shift in competitiveness. As companies outsource certain jobs, the developed country may lose its competitive advantage in specific industries, leading to a decline in economic competitiveness. For instance, if a company that specializes in manufacturing products outsources jobs to a country with lower labor costs, it can result in the developed country losing its competitive advantage in that industry.

Another impact of outsourcing is an increased trade deficit. As the developed country imports goods and services from countries with lower labor costs, it can result in an increased trade deficit, which can further impact the economy. This is because the developed country is importing more goods and services than it is exporting, which can result in a decrease in economic growth.

Why is outsourcing an attractive option for developed economies?

Outsourcing is a popular option for developed countries because it allows them to save money and improve efficiency in their businesses. Companies in developed countries can hire workers from other countries to do certain tasks for less money, which can reduce their overall costs and increase profits.

A dynamic image of a team of Filipino outsourced employees in a vibrant office.

In addition, outsourcing can also provide access to specialized skills and knowledge that may not be available locally. By outsourcing, companies can focus on their core competencies and leave non-essential tasks to outside experts, allowing them to be more productive and successful. Also, outsourcing has been a cost-cutting strategy for developed countries to prepare them for the looming threat of global recession. Many industries are affected during a recession, and companies are under pressure to cut costs and increase efficiency to stay afloat. Outsourcing jobs to countries where labor is cheaper is one way for companies to reduce their expenses and remain competitive.

How much do developed countries save on outsourcing business processes?

Outsourcing business processes to developing countries like the Philippines can result in significant cost savings for companies in developed countries. By outsourcing certain tasks to a country with a lower cost of living, companies can take advantage of lower labor costs and save on expenses such as salaries, benefits, and overhead costs. In the case of outsourcing to the Philippines, it is estimated that companies can save up to 70% compared to hiring in-house staff in developed nations. However, it's important to note that the actual amount of cost savings will depend on various factors such as the type of business process being outsourced, the size of the company, the cost of living in the target country, and the specific terms of the outsourcing agreement. For example, outsourcing complex processes or larger projects may result in higher costs, whereas outsourcing simpler or smaller tasks may result in lower costs. Additionally, the cost of living in the target country can also impact cost savings, as some countries may have higher or lower costs compared to others.

List of Top Outsourcing Destinations for Developed Countries

The globalization of the business world has opened up a variety of options for outsourcing work to different countries. The following is a list of top outsourcing destinations for developed countries based on factors such as cost, quality, and cultural compatibility.


The Philippines is a top outsourcing destination for its highly educated and English-speaking workforce, low labor costs, and cultural similarities with Western countries. The country is a leading provider of customer support services and earned the title of “the call center capital of the world.”


India is among the leading outsourcing destinations for its large pool of English-speaking, skilled labor, and favorable government policies. The country has a strong IT industry, and a large number of software development, customer support, and data entry services are outsourced to India.


China has a large pool of highly skilled workers, making it a popular outsourcing destination for manufacturing and production-related services. The country is among the top outsourcing destinations in Asia, and a preferred outsourcing destination for businesses seeking to lower production costs.


Mexico has been gaining enough attention in the global BPO market for its proximity to the United States, favorable trade policies, and lower labor costs. The country is a leading provider of manufacturing, IT, and business services.

Eastern Europe

Eastern European countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and others, are popular outsourcing destinations for their highly skilled and well-educated workforce, favorable business environment, and relatively lower labor costs. These countries are popular for IT and software development, financial and business services, and customer support services.


Vietnam is a fast-growing outsourcing destination for its favorable business environment, lower labor costs, and large pool of skilled workers. The country is a leading provider of manufacturing, IT, and customer support services.


Brazil has a large and highly educated workforce, making it a popular outsourcing destination for IT and business services. The country is also a major provider of customer support services and has a rapidly growing IT industry.

South Africa

South Africa has a well-developed infrastructure, a favorable business environment, and a large pool of English-speaking, skilled workers. The country is a popular outsourcing destination for IT and business services, as well as call center and customer support services.


Indonesia is a growing outsourcing destination for its lower labor costs and large pool of skilled workers. The country is a leading provider of manufacturing, IT, and customer support services.


Thailand is an emerging outsourcing destination for its lower labor costs and well-developed infrastructure. The country is a leading provider of manufacturing, IT, and automotive services, and has a rapidly growing IT industry.

Build the Best Offshore Team in the Philippines

Building an offshore team in the Philippines can be a game-changer for your business, as you increase your operational efficiency at a fraction of the cost. The Philippines is a top destination for outsourcing and good reason. With its strong English proficiency, highly educated workforce, and culturally aligned work ethic, the Philippines is the perfect place to build your offshore team. At KDCI, we have years of experience helping businesses like yours build the best offshore teams in the Philippines. We provide a broad range of outsourcing services from creative design to marketing, ecommerce, customer support, and finance. Our proven approach to sourcing, selecting, and managing top talent ensures that your team will be made up of the best people for the job.With our 100% quality assurance and effective oversight management, you'll have peace of mind of knowing that your offshore team is working effectively, efficiently, and aligned with your business goals. Invest in the future of your business today and build the best offshore team in the Philippines! Contact Us

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