How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Help Desk Services

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February 23, 2023
min read
Mark Daniel
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What are some successful examples of companies that have outsourced to developing countries?
What are the best practices for outsourcing to developing countries?
How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Help Desk Services
KDCI Outsourcing
September 6, 2023

When businesses look for ways to increase productivity and reduce costs, outsourcing help desk services may appear to be a viable option. However, is it truly worth it in the long run? According to Hubspot, 86% of service teams note that having a help desk system increases their productivity.It is critical to look at the entire picture when assessing the cost to outsource help desk services. The expense of hiring a team or firm to provide help desk services must be considered, as well as the costs of training and support, software and hardware, and ongoing maintenance.In this blog post, we shed light on the cost of outsourcing help desk services, its benefits, and how to find the right service provider for your business.

How much does it cost to outsource help desk services?

An image of a Filipino help desk support professional at work.

So, first off, what is a help desk? A help desk is a service that provides technical support to people who use technology, like computers or smartphones.

If you have a problem with your computer, for example, you might call a help desk to get assistance. Now, sometimes companies outsource their help desk services. This means that instead of having their own employees provide technical support, they hire another company to do it for them. This can be a good idea because it can save the company money and resources.

But how much does it cost to outsource help desk services? Well, it depends on a lot of factors. In the United States, the average cost to outsource help desk services is between $80.00 and $150.00 per month per user. That means if a company has 100 employees who need help desk support, it could cost them anywhere from $8,000 to $15,000 per month.

However, there's another option. Companies can outsource their help desk services to a developing country like the Philippines where helpdesk services usually fall within the range of $20.00 to $50.00 per month per user. If the company with its 100 employees were to outsource help desk services rather than hire it in the US, the monthly total will be $2,000 to $5,000 per month. That's 60-70% cost savings!

The rate difference is primarily due to the lower cost of living in the Philippines, resulting in lower labor costs. Simply put, outsourcing to the Philippines can be much cheaper than outsourcing to the United States.

What factors affect the cost of outsourcing help desk services?

There are many factors that can affect the cost of outsourcing help desk services. Here are some of the most important factors to look into:

1. Location

Where the company providing the help desk services is located can affect the cost. For example, wages are generally higher in the United States than they are in the Philippines, so outsourcing to the Philippines can be cheaper.

2. Skill level

The skill level of the people providing the help desk services can also affect the cost. If the people providing the services are highly skilled and experienced, they may charge more.

3. Service level

The level of service that the company wants can affect the cost. For example, if the company wants 24/7 support, it will likely cost more than if they only want support during business hours.

4. Technology

The technology being used can also affect the cost. For instance, if the company needs help desk support for a complex software system, it may cost more than if they just need support for basic computer issues.

5. Language

The language being spoken can also affect the cost. For example, if the company needs help desk support in a language that is less commonly spoken, it may be more expensive.As you can see, there are many factors that can affect the cost to outsource help desk services. It's important for IT help desk companies to consider these factors and choose a provider that meets their needs and budget.

What are the benefits of outsourcing help desk services?

Outsourcing help desk services can provide numerous benefits to companies that opt to work with a reliable service desk outsourcing provider. Here are some of the benefits that are worth note taking:

Save on staffing costs

Outsourcing IT help desk services can be cheaper than hiring and training in-house staff. This is because the cost of living and wages can be lower in other countries. For example, outsourcing to a developing country like the Philippines can be cost-effective for companies based in developed countries. This means that companies can save money on staff salaries, benefits, and training costs.

Tap specialized expertise

The company providing the help desk services is likely to have specialized expertise and experience in providing technical support. This means that the company can get high-quality support without having to invest in training or hiring new staff. The provider may have employees who are certified in specific technologies, which can improve the quality of the support provided. Additionally, the provider may have experience dealing with a wide range of technical issues, which can make them better equipped to handle complex problems.

Scale operations quickly

Outsourcing help desk services can provide flexibility and scalability. If the company needs to scale up or down quickly, it's easier to do so with an outsourced help desk support provider than with in-house staff. This is because the provider can quickly allocate more or fewer resources as needed. For example, if the company needs more support during a busy period, the provider can quickly allocate more staff to handle the increased workload.

Focus on core business

Outsourcing help desk services can allow the company to focus on its core business activities. Instead of spending time and resources on technical support, the company can concentrate on its main business goals. This can make the company more productive and efficient, as it can focus on activities that directly contribute to its bottom line.

Access to the latest technology

IT help desk outsourcing  can give the company access to new technology and tools. The provider may have access to the latest software and hardware, which can improve the quality of the technical support provided. Additionally, the provider may be able to offer the company access to new technologies and tools that the company wouldn't have been able to afford on its own. This can help the company stay competitive and up-to-date with the latest industry developments.

What should I look for in a help desk outsourcing contract to ensure I get the best value for my money?

When it comes to outsourcing help desk services, there are several key elements to look for in a contract to ensure you get the best value for your money. Here are some important considerations to keep in mind:

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

A SLA is a contractual agreement between the service provider and the customer that outlines the level of service the provider will deliver. When outsourcing help desk services, it's important to have clear SLAs in place that define the level of service you can expect to receive. This includes factors like response time, resolution time, and availability. Ensure that the SLAs are realistic and aligned with your business needs.


As your business grows or changes, your help desk needs may also evolve. It's important to have a contract in place that allows for flexibility and scalability in your outsourcing arrangement. This means that the service provider should be able to quickly and easily adjust the level of support they provide as your needs change.

Reporting and Metrics

To ensure that you're getting the best value for your money, you'll need to have clear metrics in place to measure the success of the outsourcing arrangement. This includes regular reporting on performance metrics like ticket volume, ticket resolution time, and customer satisfaction scores. Ensure that the provider has a strong reporting system in place that allows you to monitor these metrics and make data-driven decisions.

Cost Structure

The cost structure of the outsourcing contract is another important consideration. Ensure that the outsourcing pricing model is transparent and aligned with the level of service you expect to receive. Look for a provider that offers flexible pricing options that allow you to pay for the level of support you need without overpaying for services you don't need.

Data Security and Privacy

When outsourcing help desk services, you'll be sharing sensitive information with the provider. Ensure that the contract includes clear provisions for data security and privacy. This includes ensuring that the provider has appropriate security measures in place, and that they comply with relevant regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

How do I choose the right help desk outsourcing provider based on cost?

Choosing the right help desk outsourcing provider based on cost can be a complex process, but by following these steps you can simplify the decision-making process:

1. Determine Your Budget

The first step is to determine how much you can afford to spend on outsourcing help desk services. This will give you a baseline for evaluating different providers based on cost.

2. Compare Provider Prices

Research and compare the prices of different help desk support outsourcing providers. Look for providers that offer competitive pricing and consider the range of services they offer.

3. Assess the Provider's Experience and Expertise

Cost is important, but it's also important to choose a provider that has the experience and expertise needed to provide high-quality help desk services. Look for providers that have a proven track record of delivering successful help desk solutions for businesses similar to yours.

4. Consider the Provider's Location

The location of the provider can also impact cost. Providers located in developing countries may offer lower costs due to lower labor costs, but there may be trade-offs in terms of language barriers and cultural differences.

5. Evaluate the Provider's Communication and Language Skills

When outsourcing help desk services, it's important to choose a provider that can effectively communicate with your customers. Evaluate the provider's language skills and consider whether there may be any language barriers that could impact the quality of the service provided.

6. Review the Provider's Contract Terms

Before finalizing an outsourcing agreement, review the provider's contract terms. Look for any hidden costs or fees, and ensure that the contract terms align with your business needs.

7. Consider Long-Term Value

When evaluating help desk outsourcing providers based on cost, it's important to consider long-term value. While one provider may offer a lower initial cost, a higher-quality provider may offer better long-term value by providing more effective support and reducing the need for future investment in help desk services.

Outsource Your Help Desk Support Needs to KDCI

At KDCI, we provide outsourced technical support specialists who are specifically trained to handle Ecommerce customer support. Our team is based in the Philippines and is carefully selected based on their excellent communication skills, quick problem-solving abilities, and ability to work well under pressure.By outsourcing your help desk support needs to KDCI, you can rest assured that your customers will receive the best possible support. Our team can quickly and accurately respond to customer queries, identify customer needs, analyze and report product malfunctions, and ensure that all customer concerns are addressed promptly and professionally. This not only improves customer satisfaction but can also help to increase customer loyalty and retention.Are you interested to learn more about our services? Then, click the button below to get started!Contact Us

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