How a US Property Management Company Can Outsource to the Philippines

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April 27, 2023
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How a US Property Management Company Can Outsource to the Philippines
KDCI Outsourcing
February 29, 2024

The property management industry in the US has been booming in recent years, and with this growth comes the challenge of managing a large portfolio of properties efficiently. This is where outsourcing property management services to the Philippines comes in.

With a highly skilled and educated workforce, as well as lower labor costs, outsourcing property management services to the Philippines can be a cost-effective way for companies to expand their capabilities. Today, we’ll walk you through the steps on how a US property management company can outsource to the Philippines.

Steps on How You Can Outsource Property Management Services to the Philippines

Outsourcing property management services to the Philippines is a straightforward process, but it requires putting a lot of thought and decision-making into each step. Below is a guide on how you can go through this strategy.

Step 1: Identify Your Needs and Scope of Work

The first step in outsourcing property management services to the Philippines is to identify your needs and the scope of work you want to outsource. This involves determining the specific tasks and responsibilities that you want to delegate to your outsourcing partner.

Some of the most common functions that you can outsource include property maintenance, rent collection, tenant screening, lease management, and other related tasks.

By identifying your specific needs and scope of work, you can ensure that the property management company you choose has the necessary expertise and resources to meet your requirements. Make sure to be specific with what you want to achieve in order to establish clear expectations and ensure an effective outsourcing arrangement.

Step 2: Research and Select a Reputable Outsourcing Company

The success of your property management outsourcing strategy will depend largely on your outsourcing partner. So, it’s just right that you take all the time you need in choosing a company that meets your standards and expectations.

To select the right outsourcing company for your needs, it’s best to look for one that specializes in property management services. Ensure that they have a good track record in the industry, and are well-known in delivering high-quality services. You can do this by checking their credentials, such as licenses and certifications, company experience, and history. 

Reading client testimonials and reviews can also provide you with valuable insight into the company's communication skills, response times, and the quality of the services provided. 

Step 3: Define the Terms of the Contract

Once you have selected a reputable outsourcing company for your property management needs, the next step is to define the terms of the contract. This process involves discussing and agreeing on various elements of the partnership to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the expectations and responsibilities.

One critical element of the contract is the scope of work. This outlines the tasks and responsibilities that the property management outsourcing company will handle. It’s important to ensure that the scope of work is comprehensive and covers all necessary tasks to avoid any misunderstandings or confusion later on.

Another crucial element to consider when defining the terms of the contract is the payment structure, including the fees, payment schedule, and payment methods. It is important to agree on a payment structure that is fair and reasonable for both parties. 

The expected turnaround time for tasks and deliverables is another thing to discuss and agree upon. This can include response times to tenant inquiries or maintenance requests, as well as deadlines for rent collection or lease renewals. Establishing clear expectations for turnaround times can help avoid potential conflicts or delays.

Finally, you and the outsourcing company should establish service level agreements (SLAs) in the contract. These agreements outline the level of service that the outsourcing company will provide, such as response times, availability, and quality standards. SLAs help to ensure that both parties are on the same page regarding the quality and level of service that will be provided.

Step 4: Create a Detailed Job Description

Creating a detailed job description is a crucial step when outsourcing property management services. A comprehensive description outlines the roles and responsibilities of the outsourced staff and serves as a guide for the outsourcing company to select and train the right candidates for the job.

To create an effective job description, it's important to start by clearly defining the job title and the position's primary responsibilities. This should include a rundown of the necessary tasks that the outsourced staff will be responsible for, how often you expect them to perform the functions, and other important details.

You also need to specify any necessary qualifications or skills you want the staff to possess. This can include the minimum education attainment, certifications, experience, and specific technical skills required for the job. It's important to be specific and realistic about your standards, so both you and your outsourcing partner can have the right property management team based on your needs.

Don’t forget to include employment-related specifics, such as the expected start date, hours of work, compensation, and the like.

Step 5: Screen and Hire Qualified Candidates

The next step that you need to take involves screening and hiring qualified candidates for your outsourced property management staff. The outsourcing company will handle the actual recruitment and selection process, including advertising the job posting, screening resumes, interviewing candidates, and selecting the most qualified individuals for the job. However, the final decision will still be up to you.

After the initial screening process, your outsourcing partner will provide you with a shortlist of candidates that match your job description and requirements. Review the profiles of the shortlisted candidates carefully to ensure that they meet your expectations.

If needed, you can participate in the final interview process to ensure that the candidate aligns with your preferences. During this stage, you can ask questions that are specific to your property and expectations, such as experience with specific property types or management software.

Once you have selected the candidate, the outsourcing company will handle the onboarding process, including training and any necessary paperwork. It's important to maintain open communication with the outsourcing company and the new hire to ensure a smooth transition.

Step 6: Provide Necessary Training and Support

Once the outsourced property management staff is hired, it's important to provide them with the necessary training and resources to ensure that they are equipped to handle the job responsibilities effectively.

Firstly, it's important to provide access to any necessary software systems, tools, and resources to help the outsourced staff perform their tasks effectively. This can include property management software, maintenance tracking tools, and resources related to lease management, tenant screening, and rent collection.

You also need to provide detailed training on the specific property and any unique requirements or expectations. This can include the property's history, any outstanding issues, and the preferred communication channels with the property owner or manager.

It's important to establish clear communication channels and expectations to ensure that the outsourced staff feels supported and able to perform their job effectively. This can include regular check-ins with the property owner or manager to discuss any issues or concerns and providing access to support channels, such as an online helpdesk or email support.

There should be ongoing training and support to help the outsourced staff stay up to date on any changes or developments related to the property management industry. This involves regularly providing access to training resources, webinars, and industry news updates.

Step 7: Establish a Communication Protocol

For the seventh step, you need to establish a communication protocol to ensure a successful outsourcing relationship. This protocol helps ensure that everyone involved is on the same page and that expectations are clear and met.

To start, it's important to identify the preferred communication channels between your team and the outsourced staff. This can include email, phone, or video conferencing, depending on the needs of your property management operations. You should also decide on a specific messaging application once you’ve decided on a channel.

It's also essential to establish a schedule for communication, whether it's weekly, biweekly, or monthly. During these scheduled meetings, you can discuss any updates, changes, or issues related to the property management tasks that are outsourced.

Additionally, you need to set clear performance metrics and benchmarks for the outsourced staff. This can include targets for rent collection, tenant satisfaction, or property maintenance, among others. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the outsourced staff's performance against these benchmarks can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that they are meeting your expectations.

Step 8: Review and Improve the Outsourcing Process

The final step in the outsourcing process is to review and improve your property management operations and outsourcing relationship continuously. This is essential because it allows you to identify areas that need improvement and make changes to optimize the outsourcing process.

One way to start is to review the performance metrics and benchmarks that were established during the communication protocol stage. Analyze the data collected over time and identify areas where the outsourced staff may need additional training or support. Additionally, it will be helpful to review feedback from your tenants and clients to figure out any potential issues that need to be addressed.

Another important consideration is to collaborate with the outsourcing company to find ways to optimize the process and enhance the quality of the services provided. Regularly communicate with them to discuss any issues that may have come up and brainstorm ways to improve the process. This collaborative approach can help strengthen the outsourcing relationship and ensure that the outsourcing company is aligned with your goals and objectives.

It's important to keep in mind that outsourcing is not a one-time event but a continuous process that requires ongoing evaluation and improvement. By regularly reviewing the outsourcing process and working with the outsourcing company to identify areas for improvement, you can ensure that the outsourced staff is delivering quality services that meet your expectations.

Outsource Your Property Management Functions to Experts in the Philippines

Do you want to guarantee an efficient and convenient way to outsource your property management functions to the Philippines? Get KDCI as your outsourcing partner!

At KDCI, you can rest assured that you’ll get only the best and most reliable property management services in the Philippines. With professional and trained property managers, you can count on them to perform a wide variety of functions for you, including but not limited to tenant management, property maintenance, accounting, and more. 

Are you interested in knowing more about KDCI’s property management services? Click the button below to contact us!

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